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You are a candidate for office-based surgery. 

Your doctor has decided that you are a candidate for office-based surgery (OBS). This means instead of needing to go to a hospital or ambulatory surgery center (ASC), your procedure will be performed in a surgical suite within our office utilizing local anesthetics.

Experience the difference of office-based surgery

By performing surgery in our office, we can provide an optimal surgical experience. OBS ensures the highest level of safety and comfort while providing more streamlined specialized care vs. the traditional, multi-specialty surgery center. Our in-office surgical suite provides a familiar environment with the staff that you already know and trust to ensure the most personalized and comforting experience possible. 

Patient Benefits:

  • No Fasting
  • No IV
  • More Convenient Location
  • More Scheduling Options
  • Less Time in Recovery
  • Less Worry

Surgery Day Checklist

You will most likely spend only between 1.5–2 hours in our office

  1. Have a friend or family member drive you to our office
  2. Wear loose, comfortable clothing.
  3. Check-in
  4. Go over the details with our staff
  5. Get Prepped for surgery
  6. Have your 7-10 minute procedure
  7. Rest in the recovery area
  8. Get instructions on how to care for your eye
  9. When you feel ready, your friend or family member can take you home


Advantages of Office Based Surgery


Surgery Suite

ASC or Hospital 

Safety & Outcomes



Excellent Vision Outcomescheckmark


Highest Safety Standards 



Minimized Exposure to Others 






Type of Anesthesia

Oral and Topical


Pre-surgery requirements


No food or drink 12 
hours before surgery

Pre-surgery testing



Patient Experience



Hassle-Free Scheduling & Flexibility 



One Location Convenience


In some locations

Streamlined Patient Care



Familiar Staff & Setting



Surgical Staff Specialized in IOL Procedures


In some locations

Frequently Asked Questions

Is OBS Safe?

Yes. Our OBS suite follows the same or more stringent safety standards and is accredited by the same national organizations as an ASC or hospital. The main difference is that our surgical suite is customized specifically for ophthalmic procedures. In addition, we can minimize the risk of being exposed to other patients. In our office, we have complete control over the patient flow to ensure an intimate experience including a private preand post-surgery area. 

How much will my surgery cost and will my insurance cover it?

OBS is considered a premium service and may require a minimal fee, depending on your insurance and secondary insurance coverage. Our OBS fee is comparable to the average innetwork, out-of-pocket expense you would incur at other surgical facilities in our area. Many of our procedures are performed with mild sedation and do not require an anesthesia provider, resulting in cost savings to you. 

Why do I need to sign an out-of-network attestation form?

Your insurance provider may consider our facility out-of-network and not pay the full amount. It is important to us to keep your out-of-pocket cost to a minimum; therefore, we will sign an Out of Network Attestation Form before your procedure indicating that you will not be billed any additional costs for the facility outside of the fee you are asked to pay up front. 

What are the advantages of OBS?

Our office-based surgery suite is customized for ophthalmic procedures, therefore, patients experience a higher level of satisfaction than typically associated with a multi-specialty ASC. Because we offer clinic and surgery in one place, we can provide a more streamlined and personalized approach to patient care. Enjoy hassle-free scheduling, one-location convenience, reduced surgery time, a premium environment, and a familiar staff who knows you. 

How long should I plan to be at the facility?

You should plan to be at our facility for two hours. Because our facility is only focused on ophthalmic procedures, we can offer a much shorter surgery time than the normal four to six hours at other outpatient facilities. 

Do I need to fast prior to surgery?

Your physician will confirm what type of anesthesia will be used for your procedure. For oral and/or topical anesthesia, you can eat or drink before surgery. For IV anesthesia, you cannot eat or drink for 12 hours before surgery. 

When will I be able to drive after surgery?

On your surgery day, we require you to have a friend or family member drive you to our office. 

Do I need to stop Medications?

In most cases, you will continue to take your normally prescribed medications. However, you should confirm with your eye care provider.